Me, Myself, and I;

Feeble and shy for the time
Always silently questioning in turn
This simple-minded human being
Oh how ignorant

Cautious and precise as sanity fades
Meticulous murders of the mind
Anxious flurries of panic
Mentally buried alive

Staying true to the winding path
Never straying towards the past
Looking forward never back
Forever the future

The World Is Ending;

The world is coming to an end,
Everything is falling into disrepair,
Polluted air and contaminated oceans,
Broken economy and corrupt government officials,
Pouring lies into our minds,
Police turning on the citizens they swore to protect,
Using the badge as a form of protection,
So they have the right to invalidate our protection,
The peace we claim to keep between lands,
Isn’t even among ourselves to begin with,
If we can’t live with each other,
Than how can we live with ourselves,
Most medicate and sedate,
Pour another drink to fill the void,
Mask the hole with technology,
Having us feel as if we’re connected,
And stolen away our connections,
Locking us away in our own defections,
Leaving us without reception,
Reception of the world at hand,
Where human nature has been torn away,
Ignorance leading the cause we have yet to find,
Intelligence shot down where it stands,
Although I can’t say I’m surprised,
When we build more prisons than schools,
Relying on correction instead of education,
Our own repetition of self-tradition,
Has transformed into self-deception,
Stuck in an endless cycle of trepidation,
Unable to escape,
There aren’t many human beings left,
Torn away from our shell,
We may have the feeling of being,
But we miss the feeling of being human,
The world is coming to an end,
We are at a crossroads with no road,
And the road to a new start begins,
With you.


Here come the wolves,
To rip out your heart,
Ruthless and deadly,
They come to tear you down,
Knowledge is to be shunned,
And ignorance is rewarded,
Try to be heard for your truth,
And fall to the lies,
All the shady politicians,
The corrupted police force,
Yet it’s the black man walking along,
Minding his own business in Ferguson,
Who is the real villain in this world,
The one who surrenders,
And waves the white flag,
Turns out they only care about white,
When it comes to the courtroom,
When it’s a mans life at stake,
And that man,
Prays to a different god,
Yet he’s wrong and you’re right,
But yet your god is real and mine’s not,
Isn’t he supposed to be all-loving,
I don’t even believe in religion,
And I know how it should be,
Because it has caused more wars,
Than it has helped end,
We’re slowly going back,
To our primal state,
And we are the foxes,
And they are the wolves.


Two for the voices,
Another for the headaches,
One for the side of me,
That no-one should meet,
I tried so hard to be,
Someone and only one,
They told me it was a disease,
A curse and a burden,
He added prescriptions,
Two of these and one of that,
Another one of those there,
And this one over here,
So many I’ve lost track,
Of the path they wanted,
Except they never asked,
If it was the path I wanted,
They said it would stop,
The pain of course,
They never said,
I would lose myself,
Along with everything else,
And all the while,
I may feel better inside,
Except for one detail,
The one where I say hello,
And no longer does someone,
Say it back,
Now that I’m better,
I’m much lonelier than before.


“Technology gives us power,
But it does not and cannot tell us,
How to use that power,
Thanks to technology,
We can instantly communicate,
Across the world,
But it still doesn’t help us know what to say,”
-Jonathan Sacks,
Do these words speak to me,
Because of the fact,
That I read them on a screen,
In a tiny little room,
Where I don’t know what to say,
Or perhaps because,
I need the right way,
The right pronunciation,
Capitals and punctuation,
I may only find that,
In the form of a board,
Is there something wrong with me,
Because I confide in,
The digital key,
Rather than finding,
The lock designed for it,
I see it as a way to escape,
From the world,
The world that,
I cannot find the words for.


Let me start off by saying,
Sanity, as it is, is not a trait I care to possess,
Have you ever been unable to recall,
The past, or even the present?
What about if you were confused with the two,
As if you were in a dreamlike state of mind,
When I say dreaming, do you envision a paradise?
A place to go, when reality seems too harsh,
The one place where you can be alone,
As I said,
Sanity, as it is, is not a trait I care to possess,
Have you ever been afraid of anything?
Not just a childhood fear,
A deep understanding of what,
This mere thing is capable of,
Yet, being unable to control your fright,
Sheer terror, to the point of dilapidation,
Imagine, your paradise is no longer,
Imagine, not being able to feel safe,
Imagine, that one place is not what it seems,
Imagine, when the dreamlike paradise becomes the harsh reality,
That the very thing you are most afraid of is,
I say this, as I said before,
Sanity, as it is, is not a trait I care to possess,
What most people call “paradise”,
I call my personal never-ending nightmare,
The effort to remember fact from fiction,
To interpret the differences between two worlds,
It is like being stuck in a quicksand with no end,
Drowning inside but never truly dying,
As if you were an immortal being,
Forced into damnation by none other than,
Self-isolation is the cause,
Of your very trepidation,
Locked in a cell of solitary confinement,
A room with no doors,
No floors to keep you from free-falling,
Farther and farther into what you dread,
When I imagine, it is never a pretty sight,
Solitude is always the key,
At least that’s what they say,
Lose yourself,
In my world,
And you’ll never come back.

I Kept Calm, and Carried On, Now What?

Keep Calm, and Carry On,
I wish it was that simple,
In all simplicity,
Despite my proclivity,
Opposite of egocentricity,
Bringing me to stolidity,
Until my senility,
I wish it was that simple,
I keep on but it’s all the same,
The same wretched hole,
Quicksand speed and depth,
An endless trek,
Running circles within circles,
Stuck within this forest,
Perpetually imprisoned,
Wishing like Alice,
For something to make sense,
A terribly false thing,
In an entirely real world,
Maybe if I kept out,
I wouldn’t need to keep on,
Or carry on,
I now know how Atlas felt,
Carrying on and on,
The world bearing down,
With the gravity of all,
Surviving the weight,
And dying to the pain,
The cracked soul,
And the burden of it,
Catastrophic proportions,
That the world doesn’t see,
I kept calm,
Nothing changed,
I carried on,
I stayed estranged,
Now what.

So Far;

Farther and farther away you go,
Past even the timeline of us,
It was torture not knowing,
What happened between us,

I eagerly wish to know,
All this time I’ve wondered,
Meagerly proud of myself,
Believed your wretched truth,

Or were they lies to begin with,
This magic trick you played,
It’s so confusing to my mind,
Blaming me, myself, and I,

Was it really my fault,
Or was it some fantasy of mine,
I was torn from that fantasy,
By your own sick reality,

Shunned to the very depths,
Miles away from shore,
Torn between lust and hatred,
Can I really throw you away,

The woeful longing,
And rueful memories,
Twisting my outlook on love,
Or even simple-minded speech,

Giving me all of these defects,
It kills to even think of it,
Is this why I can’t trust,
Or, was it there all the time,

I can’t even remember anymore,
These haunting thoughts torment,
In the end they’ll always be,
Just another imaginary traitor,

Another horror in my mind,
Maybe this is why,
Why I stay,
So very far away.


Confined to this silent place,
Allowing my mind to wander,
It has lost the way of the road it had chosen,

At first glance it’s beautiful,
At a second it’s insane,
In the end it can’t even decide which is the right way,

This room is a dilapidated prison,
But also a sacred sanctum,
Torn between the possibilities of each one,

Infinitely endless are the walls,
Minutely closing in on itself,
Allowing creativity and also suppressing it altogether,

Poisoning your conscience,
Releasing your inner soul,
Each side fighting to prove their dominance inside,

The insane part,
The beautiful part,
Yet neither wants to be rid of the other half,

Living in harmony,
Dying in unison,
These walls shall be the bane of it’s perfection,

As the nightmare ends,
And the paradise does,
The walls shall crumble to reveal the true potential.